Objective 36


Your Memories

There are some notable exceptions, but sailing around the world is typically not something you do on a whim.

Sailing is often described as an invading virus, a beast that you can tame but not get rid of.

Many start in their young years, a family dinghy or a summer camp.

Some fall into it through readings, be it long travel story, pirate tales, or adventurous books.

Some others get to it by watching, witnessing and following races, be it the Vendée Globe or (where it all started) the Golden Globe Race.

And then, we are in 202X, so are there countless social media accounts and groups of (almost) every possible sailing story.

Now, you, where are your sailing roots? Are you still a kid with a childhood dream, or a bored hopeful adult looking for something else?

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Your dream boat

… to fulfill your dream

So, you have a dream and some idea of where you actually want to go, this is a great start but you actually need a boat to fulfil it!

This is an endless discussion but one where listening to others makes a lot of sense: enrich your views, confront your certainties, filter down your many ideas.

Go ahead, and share here what your boat should look be like. Not the detailed equipment, but the main elements, the ones that really define it:

  • New or old and if so, how old?
  • Wood, Steel, Aluminum, Polyester, Cement?
  • Length: from 30 to 100ft?
  • Draught: often overlooked in discussions, this is a key parameter: are you going shallow?
  • Three, two or single hull? And if single hull, with a keel? Two keels? Fix or movable? Or centreboard?
  • And then the rest: how many berth? how many masts?

Go on, share, debate and keep the discussion going.

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Your Journey

Every journey starts with a plan

Call it voyage planning, figuring your journey or having a destination, the first question one needs to answer before setting sail is precisely this one: where will I go?

We are not talking about the day-to-day schedule of which marina to stop by, and not even the season you intend to travel to. This matters a lot, but it’s for later considerations.

So, what will it be for you? A “classic” Caribbean tour, a wild northwest passage tentative, or an adventurous Amazon upstream route?

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Your Sailing Dream

Let’s start big !

What is the dream, or the vision that you have?

This is not the moment to be realistic, limited by budget, by age, by knowledge or by fear. Every journey starts with a dream. Reality will kick in soon enough to shape the dream into something that will eventually become a journey, and a great one.

Starting from a dream might actually open up possibilities you had never thought before. For example, if sailing is a means to scuba dive around the world but you have a condition, thinking big can push you into treating the condition. Or learning Spanish to travel South America. Or joining a club to find sailing mates…

So, tell us all about it:

  • Where do you see yourself sailing: sandy beaches, rough oceans, amid icebergs, or up the amazon?
  • Is it about the water, or is it about meeting people, cultures, habits, music?
  • Is it about flat horizons, or is sailing the means to visit inlands?
  • In your vision, are you alone, or a couple, a bunch of friends, a family?
  • Sailing with a purpose: do you want to discover the world for yourself, or educating your own kids? Is your journey about helping remote communities? Or may be it comes accompanied by an environmental ambition?

Share your dream and find inspiration from others

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