Objective 36

About us

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We are Yo and Joe, two old friends in their 40’s who have a shared dream of once travelling the world on a sailboat with our respective families (not on the same boat, not necessarily on the same programme).

We differ on a few things (sailing programme, the ideal type of boat, our sailing experience, etc), but the essential is there: sailing the world is what we eventually will do.

We launched this web/blog because we couldn’t find anywhere else the space of discussion we hope this initiative will prove to be. There is endless sailing stuff around the web: some are about racing (we love following them – Vendée Globe, America’s Cup or Volvo anyone?), many are about personal experiences of people actually sailing the world (their testimonies are our daily fix of inspiration) and numerous others dealing with navigators’ daily issues (« how do you fix this diesel issue? », « what’s the right anchor? », « help me find a boat to cross to the Bahamas! »), but none deal with our issue of preparing a distant sailing trip.

We’ve called the site Ob36 as in Objective 2036. Why? Because it sounds like a nice round year but as well because all the experiences we have come across start with the advice of setting a date to depart. Will we sail in the meantime? Sure. Will we own a boat before? Possibly (we currently don’t). Will plans change until then? A 1000 times.

Until Objective 2036 materializes, we look forward to many other things: short term cruises (including some passages), experiencing solo handling, building a solid programme and learning the many skills that are useful once away (from sewing to mechanics, from weather guru to first aid). We look as well forward to finding environmental friendly means to sail, and to making our journeys meaningful for the communities we will come across.

In any case, we hope not to be the only ones out there chasing the same distant goal and hope to build a small, robust and hopefully lasting community of dreamers.

We are launching this website around a blog and a few opening catchy questions to start a discussion. We are very open to broaden both the range of features (a forum? More participative questions? Vbloging boat shows?) and of contributors (guest contributors? Full time?). Just let us know if you have bright ideas or ways you want to contribute (content and/or design). Just one thing: we do this for fun: no commercials, no money, no advertisement (but yes to reviews!), no subscription.

Have fun 🙂

Yo and Joe, summer 2021 (contact@ob36.org)

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